We will utilise POS LAJU NATIONAL COURIER to deliver your order right to your door.



 500-750g - RM 7.00 (Semenanjung Msia)
 751-1000g - RM8.50 (Semenanjung Msia)

 Your order will be delivered after you make payment 
and it will take approximately 2 - 5 working days


Account Owner: Syarifah Rabihah Bt Syed Abdul Halim
Acc No: 156169110702

Account Owner: Syarifah Rabihah Bt Syed Abdul Halim
Acc No: 06110075606520

 Please kindly inform us at any of our contact number and please drop down your order detail at our contact number

* Name
* Remittance Amount
* Bank Name
* Date & Time
* Order List

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